Contact Us
Thank you for contacting Centre Chiropractic. Your feedback is tremendously important to us, and allows us to become a stronger, more focused health care partner. Every comment is valued, read and responded to.
You can contact us directly by using the form below. Of course you can submit anonymous feedback by omitting your name and contact information, however if you are writing with a question or want a response, you must be sure to include your email address or phone number.
Your information is kept strictly confidential and is neither shared nor sold.
209 East Main Street
P.O. Box 680
Boalsburg, PA 16827
phone: (814) 466-2000
fax: (717) 447-1780
email: info@centrechiro.com (this link will open your email application)
Copyright 2005-2017 Centre Chiropractic, PC
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